Samantha Eve Campbell
Age: 18
Occupation: University Student/Troublemaker
Status: Troubling
Played-By: Amanda Steele
Misc: Youngest of the Campbell Brood.

"Some men girls aren't looking for anything logical, like money a nice attentive boyfriend. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men girls just want to watch the world burn."

Eve Campbell, who absolutely refuses to go by her first name Samantha because reasons, is the babiest of the Denver Campbells and younger than her siblings by a wide margin. Accustomed to being called an accident (among other things) she actually revels in her position as the family baby.

Active, enthusiastic, outgoing, playful, unpredictable, extroverted with boundless energy, Eve has always pushed the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior… with a twinkle in her eyes and a smirk on her lips. She has recently transferred to UCC in Calaveras as a freshman with a (not surprisingly) undecided major, and appears to be here because her parents want her to "live and learn from the responsible sister" Uma.

Well Eve will prove them wrong!

Oh, and she has been crowned "Queen of the Snow" of 2018!




(2019-01-17) The Snow Queen Cometh

What is the worst that could happen having a teenager on Naked Voices?

(2019-01-05) And Then There Were Three...

Another Campbell for Calaveras

(2018-12-30) Dining with the Queen

Uma and Eve head out for dinner and find Faith

(2018-12-15) King and Queen of the Snow

It's pageant time, and Miss Snow Bunny's been replaced by the King and Queen of the Snow! Mitch may not have fully gotten the message. Our new monarchs are crowned, and only one contestant ends up in the ER — that's got to be a win, right?

(2018-12-13) Ugly Sweaters

Christmas Shopping for Ugly Sweaters. YUCK.

(2018-12-01) The Birds and Bees

Uma and Eve are unpacking as conversation leads to the birds and the bees.

(2018-11-30) Baby It's Cold Outside

A bunch of folk gather at the Java Junction to get out of the cold.

(2018-11-27) Challenge Accepted!

A duel is issued! Who will ultimately triumph in Call of Duty?

(2018-11-26) This here be thy Quest

First day of school at UCC, and Charlie makes a new friend in Eve.

(2018-11-22) A Campbell Thanksgiving

Eve and Uma have a Thanksgiving that is much smaller than what they're used to.
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